
Posts Tagged ‘Derek Grasman’


February 4, 2010 Leave a comment

I have mad respect for the filmers in the industry.  Whether its dudes like Norbi Vasko and the guy from just doing sweet web vids and laying them out for people on wakeworld and to see, or Justin Stephens making whatever his next awesome video is (and on a side note Justin Stephens makes the best videos in the wakeboarding world, period).  One of my favorite film dudes is definitely Spencer Norris from WIT.  Hi Light is in my top five favorites.  Anyways, he also pumps out some dope ass vids for internet viewers.  Here are two recent ones that hes done that seriously inspire me go to  out in this february weather and emulate the dogshit out of everything that Jimmy Trask, Jeff House, Derek Grasman, and Bob Sitchel are doing.