Home > Regular Ish > Today


So today was pretty good and pretty shitty.  Well it started shitty and ended up good. First of all, my girlfriend had to wake up at 7a.m. to go to a meeting at her job, which woke me up for a minute and then I had trouble going back to sleep.  That wasn’t so bad, plus she came back and cooked me cinnamon buns before I went off to class at 9.  Pretty good girlfriend I’d say.  But anyways, I hate school.  I suck at it really.  Everybody hates what they suck at.  I have 15 hours and my classes are Operations Management, Principles of Finance, Calculus, Software Application Development, and Information Security.  I’m actually dropping the last one tomorrow which makes me feel a little better about the whole situation though.  Bottom line, I’m 24 years old and at my age, everyone on earth is pushing me to make up my mind about how I want to spend the next 50 or so odd years of my life.  That’s pretty reasonable I guess, but all I really want to do is wakeboard.  So I watched Box of Fun, got a call from my buddy Brad Gearhart about getting a new Nautique and about Jason Lee being a genuis wakeboarding photographer and ordered a fucking pizza.  Cool.  I wish it wasn’t 30 outside right now.

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